1. Establish a baseline: Similar to a polygraph test feared by criminals around the world, determining a baseline is key. If you get to know what’s normal for the person and the situation, you automatically have the best chance of detecting when someone is stretching the truth.
  2. Right questions: Studies show that best questions are open-ended ones that involve negative assumptions. Because they force the responder either to disclose real information or actively come up with a deceptive answer.
  3. Increase cognitive load: Lying requires mental labour. One needs to remember the fabricated story and keep track of the truth. Increasing the cognitive load by asking questions out of order, demanding irrelevant details, or throwing in a distraction by turning on talk radio or the TV makes a difference.
  4. Watch out for uncommon behaviour: Using the baseline, look for behaviours that deviate from that baseline.
  5. Exit options: Liars often disengage with uncomfortable conversations.
  6. Scrutinise overdoers: Liars tend to go overboard to try and sound credible.