July 23, 2015 13:45

Employees want to work for digitally maturing organisations

Research study published by MIT Sloan Management Review, Deloitte Digital

Many employees across all generations are dissatisfied with their organisation's digital progress to date and are voicing a desire to work for digitally mature leaders, suggesting upcoming retention challenges for many companies, says a new research study - 'Strategy, Not Technology, Drives Digital Transformation' released today by MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte Digital.

The report finds that employees by large margins want to work for digitally maturing organisations. Nearly 80 per cent of respondents want to work for a digitally enabled company or digital leader, and the sentiment crosses all age groups from 22 to 60 nearly equally.

These digitally mature organizations understand continued digital advancement depends upon retaining and developing talent. More than 75 per cent of respondents from these companies agree or strongly agree that their organisations provide the necessary skills to capitalise on digital trends. Among low maturity entities, the number plummets to 19 per cent.

The ability to digitally transform and reimagine a business is determined in large part by a clear digital strategy supported by leaders who foster a culture able to change and reinvent their organisations, according to the report. The report is based on findings from the fourth annual global survey of more than 4,800 business executives across 27 industries and 129 countries.

Read the whole report here .