February 3, 2020 09:07

Google’s chatbot Meena is best in the world, says company

It can have conversations that are more sensible and specific than existing talkbots

If you can read this now, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve had encounters with chatbots to solve product or service queries. And if you have, there’s also a pretty good chance that the chatbot couldn’t solve your query which then necessitated intervention by a human service agent. Well, Google claims that won’t be the case with its new chatbot, Meena, that’s supposedly the best in the world.

Meena is a 2.6-billion parameter neural conversational model that can conduct conversations that are more sensible and specific than existing chatbots. Google says that the model is trained on 341GB of text which is filtered from public domain social media conversations. When compared to OpenAI GPT-2 , a sophisticated language model released last year, Meena has 1.7x greater model capacity and was trained on 8.5x more data. Want to know more about Meena? Click here .