February 18, 2015 14:38

HR pros attract Cupid the most

Human resource professionals are seemingly among Cupid’s most likely targets in the workplace, according to Vault’s 2015 Office Romance Survey, published on the SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) web site. The survey says they’re not alone.

Slightly more than half of 2,274 US workers — 55 per cent were men and 45 were per cent women — surveyed have gotten close and personal with a colleague, according to the findings released February 12, 2015. While 57 per cent of HR professionals said that they have been romantically involved at work at some during their career — the same percentage as employees in manufacturing—they’re not at the top of the list. Those would be workers in retail (62 per cent) and technology (60 per cent). Marketing professionals (43 per cent) were least likely to mix love and work.

Among the 51 per cent of all respondents who admitted they have gotten involved with someone in the office, the nature of the relationship has run the gamut — from an ongoing, casual relationship (21 per cent) to a random office hookup (18 per cent) to a long-term, serious romance (16 per cent). While only 10 per cent reportedly met their spouse or partner at work, nearly two-thirds of all those who had experienced an office relationship said they would do it again, regardless of whether the relationship had failed or not," says Society for Human Resource Management. To read the full article, click here.