May 18, 2021 17:40

Lending a virtual helping hand to someone

Ways to help one another through a screen

The pandemic has taken a toll on our mental health. Anxiety and fear are spiking as Covid-19 continues to take lives. Mashable spoke with experts who specialise in depression to find out how you can help support your loved one from afar.

Recognise signs

Stay in touch. Inquire about noticeable changes in self-care, sleep, eating, and other lifestyle-linked behaviours. It gives them a chance to open up, as people tend to withdraw from social situations while going through mental challenges.

Send care packages

Care packages can be an effective way to remind your loved ones you're thinking of them. Even if your primary mode of communication is texts or video calls, you can send letters, self-care kits, baked treats, photos of good times you've shared, or funny objects or cards that align with the person's sense of humor

Hang out with mutual friends

Rally a bunch of friends and get on a virtual hangout session. Such togetherness can uplift your friend’s mood tremendously, even if they don’t know how to express it themselves.

Stay attentive to their needs

Many are grieving the loss of their loved ones. Help them cope healthily by letting them speak, cry, and grieve, without offering solutions. Be an attentive listener and hold space for them. Your virtual support can remind them that you're there for them, even if things take a turn for the worse.

Read the complete story here .