January 11, 2022 12:23

Making a career move? Ask yourself these five questions to decide

Stepping back and asking yourself these questions will help you be more intentional in managing your career.

When you’re at a career crossroad, you may not have all the answers, but it’s crucial to ask the right questions to move in the right direction. These five questions, published by Harvard Business Review, can help you make informed decisions. Here’s what you should ask yourself:

How fulfilled am I?

Up to what extent are you satisfied with work? Does your work align with your values? Values determine the level of your fulfilment, and that may include cooperation, flexibility, work ethics, honesty, and so on. Value systems are subjective and vary vastly from one person to another.

How am I learning and growing?

What has this job or experience taught you so far? How knowledgeable are you than you were last year? Learning and sharing knowledge helps in mapping one’s own growth journey within the work environment.

Am I headed in the right direction?

Assessing yourself periodically is essential to navigating the future successfully. The evaluation can be on a day-to-day basis or on a yearly basis. Sometimes it’s best to take a step back and forecast the direction you want to go in.

What seeds do I need to plant now?

The process of "planting seeds" simply means evaluating career growth. It is important to take small but steady steps into mastering the job. Small steps lead the way for big successes.

What relationships do I need to build?

Identifying and maintaining good relationships is vital. Engage with a diverse crowd and build strong bonds. Broaden your networking circles and forge relationships across teams.

Read the complete story here .