July 23, 2015 13:51

Now, a start-up that sells 75 sizes of men’s shirts

Startup men's shirt retailer Stantt founded by former marketers Kirk Keel and Matt Hornbuckle

We have all usually come across the four most popular size choices when shopping for clothes; small, medium, large, and extra large. But have you come across a whopping 75? Yes, you read that right. SEVENTY FIVE.

Startup men's shirt retailer Stantt seeks to quickly and easily provide better-fitting shirts by offering 75 sizes, and counting, according to an article by Mashable. The more customised sizing spectrum was determined by body-scanning thousands of real men. It's another step for the men's clothing movement towards a more tailored fit — but without the tailor.

Co-founders and former marketers Kirk Keel and Matt Hornbuckle stormed up the idea two years ago when they felt a gap in the men's shopping experience. Neither has a prior background in fashion.

"We're forced into their sizes," Keel says to Mashable. He believes companies do not meet men's needs with only four size options.

Stantt first launched a Kickstarter campaign in October 2013. Its $15,000 goal earned over $120,000.

To read more about Stantt and its history, click here .