November 3, 2020 15:15

Should entrepreneurs wait out the pandemic or keep going?

Covid-19 has brought a range of obstacles, and with it, a new set of opportunities for emerging entrepreneurs

Speaking at the Wharton panel discussion, Kathryn Stewart, Founder and Managing Director of early-stage venture capital investment firm Cranbrook Capital, said, “Don’t assume there’s not any money out there. It kind of depends, but the situation is not all dire.” The panellists spoke about how some of the biggest start-ups and companies in the world happened in 2001 and 2002, and then in 2008 and 2009.

With the widespread necessity of remote work, burgeoning areas for start-ups include business intelligence software, cybersecurity, and telemedicine.The pandemic is presenting new or increased opportunities for entrepreneurs in certain sectors, and some of the ideas will remain viable even beyond the pandemic, said Stewart. Read the complete story here .