August 21, 2019 09:58

Why are we so bad at choosing the right job?

Trivial jobs camouflaged with sexy titles can appear quite desirable

If people are generally clear about what they want (and need) from work, why do so many of us make the wrong choices when choosing a job, particularly when we do have other choices? There are a few reasons. First, money talks. Though there is almost zero correlation between pay and job satisfaction, many people will choose a higher salary over a fulfilling job. Second, people are generally inept at evaluating their talents. Even when they do decide to “follow their passions” there is no guarantee that they will end up doing something well. This means that there is not always a clear ROI to taking risks and changing careers. Finally, job branding can lead people in the wrong direction. Trivial jobs camouflaged with sexy titles can appear quite desirable. Read the full article here .