July 26, 2019 12:23

IIM Indore, NASMEI hold meet on information systems

Pre-conference workshops conducted on teaching with cases and latent variable modelling

The IIM Indore and NASMEI (North American Society for Marketing Education in India) Summer Marketing and Information Systems Conference 2019 began at IIM Indore on July 26. The three-day event kicked off with three pre-conference workshops:

- Teaching with cases by Prof Philip Charles Zerrillo, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore

- Conducting meaningful research by Prof Satish Nargundkar, J Mack Robinson College of Business Georgia State University

- Latent variable modelling by Prof Arunachalam S, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad

Prof Zerrillo’s workshop was about writing research papers effectively and the importance of research. The workshop focused on improving teaching techniques using business cases.

Prof Nargundakar conducted a parallel workshop where he explained the differences between analytics and statistics, pedagogical research and hypothesis creation. He said that publishing in top journals in any field has always been a challenge for researchers. He provided key insights about what it takes to be a part of the big league.

Prof Arunachalam’s objectives were to make participants well-versed with the critical analysis methodology of structural equation modelling; and to explain the correct applications of this tool depending on context as well as type of data and variables involved.

Paper presentations

The conference over the next two days will witness over 300 paper presentations. The papers will cover themes such as app-based marketing, business to business marketing, brand management, consumer behaviour, corporate image, digital marketing, games and marketing, financial marketing and organisational behaviour and human resources.

Selected papers may be published in a conference special issue of the Journal of Indian Business Research .