July 29, 2019 14:11

IIM Trichy participates in Cauvery cleaning drive

The aim is to make sure water is cleaned before fresh water gets released for Aadi Perukku

IIM Tiruchirappalli (IIM Trichy) participated in the Cauvery river Cleaning Drive organised by Yi (Young Indians), near Cauvery Bridge Northern Bank on July 28.

Dr Bhimaraya Metri, Director, IIM Trichy, along with the students and faculty participated. The drive aimed to spread awareness about reducing waste dumped into water bodies, and to make sure the water is cleaned before new water gets released for Aadi Perukku .

Dr Metri said that children of primary schools should also be involved in such initiatives to inculcate awareness from a young age. This would ensure that the issue is always top of their mind, as they are the decision-makers of the future.

The Young Indians team said that IIM Trichy’s participation would create a chain reaction among other institutes, inspiring them to participate in such awareness campaigns and help in nation building.