January 22, 2018 13:23

Kohinoor Business School hosts Festomania

More than 700 students participated in the annual inter-collegiate management fest

Kohinoor Business School (KBS) celebrated Festomania, which was organised by the management students. Prominent educationist CA Sunil G Karve, Hon Chairman, Governing Board, Kohinoor Education Trust, inaugurated the fest by lighting the lamp. Around 60 colleges and more than 700 students participated in the annual inter-collegiate management fest.

The theme this year was 'Hola famigo – let’s celebrate friendship'.

On the occasion, Karve said, “I am happy to see such enthusiastic students who have organised this stimulating college fest. I would like to congratulate all the undergraduate colleges who participated and created an unforgettable moment for all the visitors.”

Jenita Bambulkar, a student of KBS, said, “Festomania 2018 has been an enlightening experience and I got to learn new things from everyone.” Fanzie Prereira, another student, said, “Festomania is a beautiful event and this has been a memorable experience. I had a wonderful time seeing the cultural events”

The events -- including quiz competition, extempore speaking, photography, virtual stock, dancing, comedy, singing and fashion show -- were designed to entice students with varied interests.