May 18, 2020 18:34

Use Pinterest to grow your website traffic

Businesses can create special accounts and adopt these steps to benefit from the fast-growing medium

Pinterest is one of the most underrated sites and apps. It is almost like a search engine that is meant for those who want to share recipes and showcase their art and design work. It is extremely relevant to e-commerce industries as part of their digital marketing plan.

The life of one pin on Pinterest is about 1 week. The life of one tweet and a post on Facebook is 24 minutes and 90 minutes respectively — which brings us to another point. A pin is 100 times more spreadable than the average tweet. E-commerce sites can benefit from Pinterest if they use it well, so let us take a look at a couple of ways that Pinterest can increase a website's traffic. Here are a couple of tips you can follow:

Have a Business Account

To see the impact of your pins, make sure to sign up for a business account on Pinterest or convert your already existing account into one. This will take you to Pinterest Analytics, where you will have to verify your site with Pinterest. You can also apply for Rich Pins, which are pins that include more information than a regular pin.

There are 5 different types of pins — movies, articles, places, product, app, recipe — and each of these categories come with their pin upgrades, real-time prices and, most importantly, they have a direct link to your website. Pinterest also offers many guides to help you with analytics and pinning, marketing tips for this platform, campaign optimisation tutorials, and various pin tools that you can explore.

Setting up boards

It is also important to use SEO-friendly keywords, which are essential when it comes to driving traffic. Use keywords in your pin descriptions, board descriptions, your business name. Get a list of relevant keywords and include them in these areas, and curate boards with relevant pins from various sources. This is very important in optimising your account for a Pinterest search. Another great idea for your boards is to have cover images for them, so your page looks organised and neat.

Group boards are also options that you can consider. In a group board more than one person can pin, and every pinner adds his or her followers to the total following of the board. This leads to a big audience, and is great for growing traffic.

Pin at the correct time

It is important to observe the activity of your followers and your Target Audience. For example, you may not want to post during working hours, and you might want to start posting on weekends when your viewers are free. Through Pinterest analytics you can figure out your audience demographic. This can help you figure out the correct time to pin so you can effectively reach your audience.

Focus on the description

Each Pin that you post has a small description that tells the reader what the pin is about. For good engagement, your pin needs to be helpful, which makes it easier for people to find your pins; interesting, so people will connect with the pin; detailed, so people will know what your pin is about, and it should have a call to action to increase engagement levels.

Creating Pin-worthy images

Pinterest is a very visually stimulating app, so images play a big role. Your pins need to stand out from all of the other pins online and draw attention. Here are a couple of tips to keep in mind

1. Keep it the right size: It’s best to stick to long, portrait images instead of landscaped ones, because 80% of Pinterest users use the app on their phones so the longer the pin, the better. Also, long pins are harder to ignore, since they take up more room on the app.

2. Use visually appealing images: Research shows that light images, with no human faces, with vibrant colours, a plain background, and images which include red tones tend to capture a wider audience.

3. Make sure to include text: It not only makes your image look more professional but also helps the viewer know what exactly your pin is about.

Since 2014, this has been one of the fastest-growing social networks and is continuing to grow strongly, so it is not going away any time soon. It gives a lot of scope to get creative and you can try several things that you cannot do on other social media platforms. Tap into the power of this app to grow your website, because once you get the hang of this mmedium, there is plenty of potential to dominate this platform.