May 19, 2015 15:02

‘No substitute for a good reading habit’

Shiva trilogy author talks about IIM, creative writing and corporate life

An MBA doesn't really prepare you for a writing career. They don't have a creative writing class at IIM. But it certainly prepares you for a corporate career. I learnt most of the alleged business skills I have through my MBA and corporate career!

The highs and lows One high was when I was appointed member of the senior management committee (SMC) at IDBI Federal Life Insurance, reporting to the CEO. I was the youngest member of the SMC, in fact the only one under 40.

My low was when I didn't get the promotion or increment/bonus I felt I deserved. I was always very competitive. Another low point was the time when I had to fire some people from their jobs due to an ethics issue. Even though the dismissal was justified, it was a very difficult decision.

Staying updated I am a voracious reader. There is no replacement for a good reading habit to gain knowledge and to keep yourself updated on what's new.

My management style In my corporate career, I was a delegator. In my life as an author, I am a control freak!

What I am reading now Jesus lived in India by Holger Kersten.

On recommended reading for young managers Once you have finished with my books, you can pick any other book you fancy!