August 22, 2015 11:56

Are you a good communicator?

As teams become increasingly diverse and scattered, it is important to communicate effectively

Most of us are taught languages and the various aspects related to its use — the grammar, syntax, vocabulary, etc. Unfortunately, an important element is left out. No one is really taught to communicate effectively.

Success element

Being able to communicate effectively and powerfully is an important element for success and leadership, and yet, very few people are actually taught this important skill.

Incidentally, this also happens to be the topic of my next book, Break Free . The book details various aspects and elements that influence any communication, and gives actionable inputs with regard to how one can become a powerful communicator.

Back to basics

A basic characteristic of a good communicator is that they focus on whether the message has been received and understood the way it was intended to. If one can focus on this aspect, a lot of other elements influencing further communication, would fall into place.

Poor and ineffective communicators do the exact opposite: they send out the message, verbally or in writing, and don’t check whether the message was received as intended. This fundamental failing often leads to misunderstandings, communication gap and a whole host of problems and issues.

Stumbling block

Being a poor communicator is not only a handicap in one’s career, but is a major stumbling block in personal relationships as well. The commonly mentioned “generation gap” is more to do with being poor communicators, than with actual year-gap. As are most problems between spouses or for that matter, even between a subordinate and a boss.

Virtually imperative

Being a powerful and effective communicator is becoming increasingly important in a person’s career, mainly because of prevalence of virtual teams. Corporate organisations today have teams based at various physical locations, collaborating and coordinating on a joint project. In such situations, the role of communication becomes paramount and an effective communicator would obviously have an edge over an ineffective one.

The other reality of today’s work place is the diversity in any team. People from different age groups and cultural backgrounds are required to work together. Here again, a powerful communicator would have an edge because the message being sent out by such a person would be more effective and productive.

Break free

It is high time that people break free of the limitations of language, grammar, etc and realise that it is far more important to be a powerful communicator. They need to work towards understanding all those elements and influences that impact communication and learn to manage the same in a synchronised manner.

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