August 28, 2016 11:32

Oldest human being discovered

Jeanne Calment

The title is currently held by French centenarian Jeanne Calment, who was 122 when she died

According to a report in Independent , an Indonesian man, Mbah Gotho might steal the title of ‘Oldest Human’ from France’s Jeanne Calment, who was 122 years when she died. While Mbah claims to have documentation of his birth — December 31, 1870, making him 145 years of age, they are yet to be verified.

There are a number of people who claim to have broken Jeanne’s record, such as Nigerian James Olofintuyi, who claims to be 171, and Dhaqabo Ebba from Ethiopia, who claims to be 163, but without verifiable documents they cannot be given her title. To read more, click here .