June 27, 2016 14:22

What if…

Donald Trump was actually an elaborate prank being pulled on Americans?

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride… and if the staff at Cracked.com, a humour website, had their way, republican presidential nominee Donald Trump wouldn’t be anything more than an elaborate prank!

In this hilariously sketched script, two staff members (scriptwriters? Let’s call them A and B) book a contract for “officially scripting a fake campaign for Donald Trump”. They then go on to discuss all the outrageous stuff they will make him say, and in the end go, “Surprise America! It was all a joke!”

A asks B, “How long do you think we can milk this?”

And B says, “Two months? If we just settle enough, I mean, how long could a Donald Trump presidential campaign actually last?”

Well, little did they know! Watch the two hilariously meander through confusion of how a candidate like Donald could possibly still be in the race for the President of the US.