November 4, 2019 13:42

CAT in three weeks, what should be the focus

The Common Admission Test (CAT), a national-level management entrance examination, will be conducted on November 24. IIM Kozhikode has set up this year’s question paper. With three weeks to go, Arvind Mantry, Centre Director, T.I.M.E. coaching, Chennai, shares some tips to on how to approach the examination.

The CAT examination has three sections: Verbal and reading comprehension, data interpretation and logical reasoning, and quantitative ability. Mantry says, “Reading comprehension has passages from topics such as economics, psychology and philosophy. If you are weak in philosophy, try reading a lot on the topic which would help you gain familiarity with that area. And this means you will be more comfortable solving those questions.”

Regarding what to focus on in the logical ability and data interpretation portion, Mantry suggests: “In the last 10 years, there has been not a paper without a venn diagram. So, focus on such important topics and try to master these areas.” 

“Do not panic seeing the level of difficulty because everybody will be in the same boat. Practice is the answer to everything,” says Mantry.