14 July 2015 13:01:29 IST

Company rules that drive employees bonkers

Restricted internet usage and attendance requirements are some of the reasons

You might work at the best company, but there are always those rules that keep getting under your skin and make you hate coming to work. Travis Bradberry of TalentSmart lists the worst company rules that can drive employees bonkers, on BBC. Here’s the list.

Restricted internet usage : It is difficult to draw a line — which sites to visit and which ones to not, at workplace. But people should be able to surf randomly and even kill time in between work, for some mental relief from work, writes Bradberry.

Forceful requirements for attendance, time off etc. : People should be paid for the work they, do not the time they spend in office. When you ding employees for coming five minutes late or asking for an off, you send a wrong message, Bradberry explains.

Fitting everyone in a normal distribution or bell curve : You are not evaluating people’s performance correctly, if you are trying to fit all of them in a bell curve or a set performance system.

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