25 April 2017 11:24:04 IST

Elon Musk is telling fairy tales

His startup ideas always sound impossible. That might be why they work

Many entrepreneurs think big but start small, and that works for them, but others, like Elon Musk, would rather think humongous and start big, which would explain his success. Each idea of his has been crazier than the other, and Neuralink tops the list. While there are many doubters, given his track record, it wouldn't be surprising if he pulled it off.

According to Will Oremus, Slate 's senior technology writer, Musk's plans for creating "consensual telepathy" might sound like science fiction but it isn't. "In every case, Musk has set out to tackle what he believes to be one of humanity’s greatest problems, articulating a long-term strategy that involves a lot of speculation about the distant future. Yet in every case, he also has had a far more realistic, if still audacious, short- to medium-term plan that relies on technology that is just over the horizon, if not already available. Those are his real business plans," writes Oremus. To read more, check-out this article .