16 July 2015 13:58:35 IST

NCKU organises workshop on design thinking

Students to get hands-on experience about working in the industry

A workshop on creative design thinking is currently taking place at the Institute of Creative Industry Design (ICID), National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in southern Taiwan. The 7-day, workshop consisting of both theory and practical sessions, is being conducted by professors, designers, and entrepreneurs.

The workshop, db.BootCamp, featuring design and business thinking will equip the students with practicalcourses and opportunities to work with the people in the business.

More than 30 students are participating in the workshop, including some from Tokyo University in Japan, and Shantou University in China.

Three companies representing the life industry in Taiwan - Strauss, Hermin, and Lichen - are involved in the courses and coaching. They are interested in either new marketing strategy or new service system to reach more customers.

The students are divided into three groups accordingly to explore the transformation of traditional industries when facing the challenges of globalization.

Home life, food culture and contemporary life style are also investigated in the workshop.

On the last day of BootCamp, July 18, students will present their projects to the entrepreneurs.