11 July 2015 10:18:02 IST

Things to look for in a start-up internship

Read on to see what you should be considering while choosing an internship

If you are fresh out of college, and the start-up bug has bitten you, then looking for an internship could be your gateway to a job you want. Mashable lists the kind of internships you should be looking to pursue. The site asked 12 Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) members about the internships they strongly recommend. Here’s what they suggested.

Get an internship in sales : Joshua Dorkin suggests this. Skills like graphic design, software development, and other tech skills may be hot currently, but theywill eventually vain. An internship in sales will equip you with the ability to generate revenue for the company, says Dorkin of BiggerPockets.

Find a startup offering a variety of tasks and real responsibilities : Diana Goodwin of AquaMobile Swim School urges freshers to go for an internship that offers a lot of hands-on experience and allows contribution.

Hiring and paying : Look for start-ups with a history of hiring (and paying) interns, advises Tarek Pertew of Uncubed

For the rest of this must-read article, click here .