19 August 2015 14:10:33 IST

BITS Pilani holds Convocation Ceremony

Chief guest Ashutosh Sharma asked to emphasise on ‘we’ rather than ‘I’

BITS Pilani recently hosted a convocation ceremony for its graduating students who have completed the eligibility requirements in the academic year 2014-15.A total of 1024 first degrees; 257 higher degrees, and 20 PhD degrees were awarded during the event.

Kumar Mangalam Birla, the Chancellor of BITS Pilani in his message to the outgoing students said, “No matter where you go next, you are going to be surrounded with the rush and swirl of creativity and innovation. Innovation will present the opportunity to translate dreams and ideas into real world successes. On the other hand, many ventures founded on innovation will fail and fold up. And, given its very nature, innovation will also sweep away the old, the status quo and result in losers also. That’s the nature of the powerful and unstoppable force that is innovation!”

“I urge you to keep your senses and instincts open to the waves and winds of innovation. Either you leverage on innovation and succeed, or you get overwhelmed and swept away by it. I ask every one of you to think what you can do to plant a seed every day that will encourage and nurture creativity and innovation. He further said “my best wishes are with you as you step out into the world outside today. I wish you all success in your chosen endeavours, and I know that you will bring pride and glory to your alma mater,” he added.

Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Science and Technology was the Chief Guest. “You are plunging into a new phase of personal and professional life. Now you need to make all your decisions on your own. While your decisions will be your own, never does the cardinal mistake to think of ‘your’ successes to be your own! Now, you will have to be a serious and committed team player. Don’t forget to bring positivity in interacting with your team. And don’t forget to cheer people with those great words: ‘You did a splendid job’, ‘What is your advice in this matter?’, ‘Could you please?’, ‘Many thanks’. Let the emphasis to be on ‘We’ rather than, ‘I’,” said Sharma according to a press statement.