14 February 2016 09:06:11 IST

Deadpool: fun, edgy yet feels mainstream

The movie does not push the envelope enough, thanks to the censors

Director : Tim Miller

Cast : Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, TJ Miller, Gina Carano, Brianna Hildebrand, Stefan Kapičić, Leslie Uggams

Rating : 3 (because we cannot do half or I’d go with 2.5!)

The eighth instalment in the X-Men series, Deadpool , tells the story of anti-hero Wade Wilson, who fights cancer and emerges a slightly insane, terribly scarred superhero with a cool sense of humour.

So Wade is this ex-special forces guy who is now a mercenary. He meets and falls in love with Vanessa and just when life seems a bed of roses, he discovers he has cancer.

Horrific experiments and terrible torture follow, leaving Wade cured but with a face “like an avocado had sex with an older avocado.” He swears revenge on Ajax and all sorts of merry mayhem follows.

The throwaways are fun including Dipender, the cabbie with a fondness for old Bollywood songs and his tragic, unrequited love story. Most of the funniest lines are unprintable and censors played spoilsport as well beeping them out.

Tim Miller, who did the title sequence for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo makes an assured directorial debut.

Ryan Reynolds plays the lead character and apparently got attracted to the project after learning that Deadpool refers to his appearance as “Ryan Reynolds crossed with a Shar-Pei.” Morena Baccarin brings tough love as Vanessa. Ed Skrein, who we saw last as Frank Martin in that sad Transporter reboot plays insane Ajax. T.J. Miller is best friend Weasel while Brianna Hildebrand is Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

Wait for the credits to roll for the customary Marvel post-credit sequence. The tone of the movie felt kind of confused — edgy but not pushing the envelope far enough, thanks to the censors who have chopped off the extreme language, violence and sex. The other worrying thing is if the edgy becomes mainstream then the electric underground runs the danger of turning vanilla.

( Courtesy: The Hindu Cinema Plus )